If you’re checking in to a hotel like Holiday Inn Express, you already know what to expect: free or cheap food that tastes bad for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, Holiday Inn Express is one of the few restaurants trying to change this disturbing trend.
The primary way they’re doing this is by making better food available to customers. That way, they don’t have to resort to cooking their meals or eating out of the restaurant. Doing this may require serving as a miniature restaurant, a role that Holiday Inn Express has already acknowledged.
Since most restaurants have specified breakfast hours, it’s only natural for the hotel’s in-house chefs to prepare different foods for different times of the day. This article will outline the Holiday Inn Express breakfast hours and the different things to try if you end up missing breakfast.
What Is Holiday Inn Express?
For some who think they’ve never come across a restaurant bearing this name, they’d be right, since there’s no restaurant named Holiday Inn Express. However, that doesn’t mean no place in the world serves breakfast and is also named similarly.
If you’ve ever lodged at the Holiday Inn Express, you’ll note that they have an in-house eatery where you can order for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Like most of the US restaurants, they serve these meals at different times of the day, making it impossible to access the breakfast menu when it’s time for lunch.
While the food at Holiday Inn Express isn’t the best in the country, it’s free for all guests. Why spend extra eating outside the restaurant or cooking your meals when you know you can get the same in the hotel, but for free?
I think with that; Holiday Inn Express has done a decent job of convincing all guests that they don’t need to source for alternatives.
When Does Holiday Inn Express Start Serving Breakfast?
Hotels don’t try too hard to ensure they’re offering competitive breakfast hours for many reasons. For one, most people that lodge in hotels will wait that extra hour before breakfast. Also, the food is typically free, so why offer them superior service to restaurants where they buy from?
From the analogy above, it’s sufficient to say you shouldn’t up your expectations when thinking about breakfast from Holiday Inn Express. However, the hotel surprised most people with their opening hours for breakfast, which is 6:30 am on weekdays and 7:00 am on weekends.
Most people are used to seeing the eateries within hotels open so late for breakfast that you wonder if they’re even serving breakfast. Seeing one with hours that competes with the top restaurants in the United States is a relief, and may even be a valid reason to choose it over other restaurants.
However, you shouldn’t take our words at face value, as those restaurants don’t seem to be very trustworthy. While the quoted hours are official, you should always be conservative about working with arbitrary figures like this.
We’ve seen many cases where restaurants and hotels serve breakfast a lot later than the official breakfast hours, for many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because the chefs cannot meet up, and in other cases, it may be because of special requirements during holidays.
Before ordering breakfast, it’s essential to ask if you can even order it in the first place. If you’re early enough but not too early, you should find someone to take your order. Otherwise, you may just have to wait until the food is available to make your orders.
When Does Holiday Inn Express Stop Serving Breakfast?
That the hotel opens as early as 7:00 am for breakfast shows that they’re emulating dedicated restaurants, which is a good thing. While restaurants are famous for serving breakfast later than most restaurants, Holiday Inn Express has set a good precedent, leading us to expect a bit too much.
While it didn’t blow away our expectations, it didn’t disappoint either. There’s much conflicting information about the closing hours for breakfast at the hotel, but there’s a trend; none of them is really bad for a hotel.
Most people agree you stop being able to get breakfast as soon as it’s 10:30 am on Mondays through Fridays. It’s a different story on weekends, however, as the outlet opens for supposedly longer hours, about 30 minutes later according to most sources.
And then some sources believe that Holiday Inn Express serves breakfast until 11:00 am on weekdays and noon on weekends. You shouldn’t expect this to be the case, given that many Holiday Inn fans have confirmed the earlier breakfast to be true, more or less.
It’s important to put a call across to the catering department if you need to know your deadline for breakfast. There, you can learn when to stop ordering breakfast, tailored to apply specifically to you on that day, depending on their speed.
Holiday Inn Express Breakfast Hours
The restaurant serves breakfast at 6:30 am on weekdays and 7:00 am on weekends. Also, the restaurant stops serving breakfast at 10:30 am.
Holiday Inn Express Breakfast Menu
The breakfast menu at the average Holiday Inn Express restaurant varies depending on the location. Sometimes, the hotel doesn’t hire in-house chefs to hire cooking and serving; rather, it partners with the top guns in the food industry to serve popular breakfast delicacies to guests.
When eating out at Holiday Inn Express, you should expect a wide range of confectioneries of breakfast for breakfast. You can also get burgers, sandwiches, and most other things that you can typically get for breakfast at the average US hotel.

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Eating at a hotel is a kind of last resort since it’s usually undesirable. In the case of Holiday Inn Express, however, that doesn’t seem to be the case. The hotel offers a wide range of delicious breakfasts that many guests enjoy.
In this article, I’ve outlined the Holiday Inn Express breakfast hours. Also, I explained what to expect when breakfasting at this restaurant to avoid unwarranted disappointment.